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Thursday, June 21, 2018

These 5 Fitness-Star Tips Will Keep Your Workouts From Getting Boring

Steal these small tricks from the pros to shake up your exercise routine.

We all have that little thing that gets us through a workout. Maybe it’s a personal fitness goal, a pair of leggings that makes you feel unstoppable, or a dynamite playlist. But if you’re looking for a new source of inspiration, these five fitness stars have some simple–yet totally brilliant–advice.

The common theme? Keep things interesting. No one likes a predictable workout, and mixing up one or two things each time will keep you motivated and alert. Here are the smart tips you’ll find in the video above.

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Vary the type of exercise

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. While it’s great to have a routine, Jeanette Jenkins suggests always adding a new element to your exercise regimen. If you do yoga one day, try kickboxing the next. It’ll keep things fun and work different parts of your body for an all-encompassing workout.

Just dance

Who says exercise has to be all work and no play? Lacey Stone recommends adding some dance steps into a routine (especially when your favorite tune comes on). Dancing can amp you up—and remind you to have fun with it!

Burn sage

Taking a moment to yourself and getting into the right mindset can make all the difference. That might mean setting up your equipment a certain way, concentrating for a few minutes through meditation, or making the room aromatic and relaxing with sage, like Nicole Winhoffer does, or another incense.

Listen to a new playlist

Cueing up the same playlist every day can get really boring, really fast. You might have your go-to “running” playlist, but try making a few more, says Anna Kaiser. If you don’t want to make an entirely fresh list, at least hit shuffle for a new order each day.

Shake it off

At the very beginning of a yoga class, Hilaria Baldwin likes to take a few minutes to dance it out. The release will not only get you warmed up, but excited too!

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