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Monday, November 19, 2018

3 Easy Ways to Fix Your Form on a Rowing Machine

No, that’s not where the handlebar goes.

When it comes to fitness trends, rowing just might be the new spinning. Rowing studios are popping up in cities around the country, and workout-aholics are giving up their spin and barre classes for this old-school activity that offers huge results and cardio health benefits.

To some gym-goers, rowing machines or ergometers (more colloquially “ergs”) are daunting pieces of equipment that appear way too complicated to actually use. If you’ve never set foot in a crew boat and don’t have proper training, getting your rowing technique right can be tricky.

RELATED: This Rowing Routine Is the Best Low-Impact Workout You Haven’t Tried Yet

Most rowing newbies think it’s the arms and legs that do all of the work. But rowing also totally engages your core. That’s right: goodbye tedious crunches. Erging works every part of your body, and it’s great for weight loss and strength training. Running on a treadmill might help you burn calories and lose some pounds, but rowing will do that and raise you toned muscles.

In these side-by-side videos, Caley Crawford, director of education and programming at Row House in New York City, will show you not only how to row the right way (no, you don’t want to choke yourself by slamming the handlebar into your throat), but she also demonstrates how to correct three common mistakes new and self-taught rowers might be making.

RELATED: How to Use a Rowing Machine in 6 Easy Steps

Check out Crawford’s quick fixes below:

How to properly row

The fix: Power with your legs and not your lower back.

Where to pull the handle

The fix: Pull the handlebar in to your chest and not your chin.

Basic rowing mechanics

The fix: Release your arm motion before releasing your legs.

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