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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During the Holidays

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When the holidays roll around, it’s always more difficult for me to stick to my healthy habits. Traveling adds even more of a challenge since my time is often packed full of family visits and get-togethers. Even though I might not be able to exercise as much as I typically do, fitting in even a few workouts is better than none at all. Here are five tips to stay motivated even with a busy holiday schedule!

Go for a walk
Walking is an easy way to burn calories and you can do it just about anywhere, so I look for opportunities to walk more during my travels. I’ll opt to take the stairs at the airport instead of the escalator and walk with my suitcase through the terminal instead of taking a shuttle or using one of the moving walkways. Walking before breakfast or after dinner with a family member is a great way to get in some activity without it disrupting plans for the day.

Keep it short (and sweaty)
When my schedule is jam-packed with travel and activities, I don’t usually have time for a long workout. I create short, challenging workouts that torch calories and leave me a sweaty mess by the end. Usually, my workouts are 20 minutes or less, but I really push myself, so I find them to be just as effective as my regular workouts. Check out this 15-minute workout you can do just about anywhere!

Use your packing to motivate you
When packing my luggage for a trip, I make sure to pack my sneakers and at least a couple of workout outfits. It’s tough to make excuses when I have everything I need to exercise!

Rise and shine
I love to sleep in on vacation, but most mornings I wake up early to fit in a workout before everyone else gets up. Usually I’ll go for a run or bust out a quick CrossFit-style workout before breakfast. Fitting in my workout first thing prevents me from skipping it later in the day when I get busy with fun plans with family and friends.

Recruit a workout buddy
When I’m traveling my husband is usually my dedicated fitness buddy. He works out with me and keeps me motivated. If he’s not available, I’ll recruit another family member (or friend) to join me for a walk or run. Exercising is a great way to stay active while having fun and enjoying the company of loved ones at the same time!

Read Tina’s daily food and fitness blog, Carrots ‘N’ Cake.

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