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Showing posts with label 2018 at 03:32PM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 at 03:32PM. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Bodybuilder Rich Piana Confessed to Taking Steroids. Were These Muscle-Building Drugs Responsible for His Death?

The recent death of bodybuilder Rich Piana—who collapsed in his home on August 10 and was placed in a medically induced coma shortly after—is raising questions about whether it’s possible to use anabolic steroids in a “healthy” way, as the 46-year-old had previously claimed.

The former Mr. California had spoken openly about his 27-year history of steroid use, stating in a 2016 YouTube video, “If you want to be a professional bodybuilder, guess what—you’re probably going to have to f– –’ do ’em,” People reported Friday.

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Piana’s cause of death has not been publicly released. A police report obtained by TMZ Sports said that 20 bottles of testosterone were found at his home at the time of his collapse. According to TMZ, Piana’s girlfriend also told police that he had previously been diagnosed with an enlarged heart, and that he had “battled opiate addiction in the past but she believed he was clean.”

In a YouTube video from 2014, Piana said that he used—but did not abuse—steroids. He pointed to the fact that he had “a full head of hair,” “no acne scars,” and “a flat waist” as evidence that he was using the drugs properly, and was not damaging his body.

“We want to be doing this in our 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s,” he said. “I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life. … It’s important for me to live a long life.” He added that he would “never in a million years risk ruining my health or ruining my future due to bodybuilding.”

Piana was right that hair loss, adult acne, and unwanted weight gain can be signs of steroid abuse. But even without those visible symptoms, experts say long-term steroid use can still wreak havoc on a many aspects of a person’s health—and can put him or her in serious danger.

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“With any kind of drug that utilizes something synthetic, there is definitely cumulative effects on the body—some of which are easier to detect than others,” says Tom Hildebrandt, PsyD, associate professor of psychiatry at Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

“In the case of steroids and synthetic androgen, the main risks are to the heart and the brain, and it may take 20-plus years before those manifest and become real.” (Hildebrandt never treated Piana, but he has published several papers on the physical and psychiatric consequences of anabolic-steroid and other performance enhancing–drug use.) 

“The heart is a muscle, and one of the most important parts of the health of that muscle is flexibility and its ability to pump enough blood to deliver oxygen to the entire body,” explains Hildebrandt. “But like other muscles, the heart also has androgen receptors—so over time with steroid use, it’s getting bigger and thicker, and it becomes less flexible and less efficient at pushing blood throughout the body. That puts you at greater risk for a whole host of heart-related defects, including heart failure.” 

A recent study in the journal Circulation adds to the evidence that anabolic steroid use makes it harder for the heart to function properly. About 70% of steroid users in the study had low heart-pumping capacities; they were also more likely to have elevated blood pressure, clogged arteries, and high cholesterol.

As for brain-related dangers, some of the more well-known side effects of taking steroids include depression, mood swings, and so-called ’roid rage. But Hildebrandt says long-term use also appears to speed up age-related cognitive decline. “At least in some percentage of chronic users, it leads to a greater deterioration in brain function for otherwise-healthy, aging men,” he says.

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Steroid use has been linked to other health risks as well. Research presented last year at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Munich found that steroid abuse among weightlifters is associated with insulin resistance, a condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes.

In men, long-term steroid use has also been linked to shrinking testicles, an increased risk of prostate cancer, decreased sperm count, and the development of breasts. In women, it can cause the growth of facial hair, a deepened voice, and menstrual-cycle changes.

In October 2016, the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning that testosterone supplements and related anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can cause heart attacks, personality changes, and infertility. “Abuse of testosterone, usually at doses higher than those typically prescribed and usually in conjunction with other AAS, is associated with serious safety risks affecting the heart, brain, liver, mental health, and endocrine system,” the agency said in a statement.

Despite warnings about the side effects and health risks of steroid pills and injections, an estimated 2.9 million to 4 million Americans still use them. About 1 million are dependent on them.

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Hildebrandt points out that the vast majority of people who use anabolic steroids won’t experience health problems right away—or will decide that the benefits (like more lean muscle mass, an improved physique, and increased strength) outweigh any short-term side effects that do occur. For many people, he says, the cognitive and cardiovascular risks may not be evident for years or even decades.

“Anyone who’s thinking about using these drugs or has been using them for any significant period of time needs to question whether this really has to be a lifestyle for them,” says Hildebrandt. “Because the longer they continue, the more likely they are to experience side effects and risks later in life.”

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Letter Board Quotes That Will Inspire You

Totally perfect for Pinterest.

Introducing our latest obsession: letter boards

From motivational mantras to relatable phrases, these letter board quotes add a classic, subtle piece of inspiration to our day. With help from Instagram bloggers, Health rounded up 11 of the best letter boards that we’ve seen all over the past few months. Whether you need a reminder, a good laugh, or the perfect Pinterest Pin, these options have you covered.

Food for thought

Can’t bear the thought of setting down your phone? Tend to check who’s viewed your Instagram story a few too many times? This quote from Debrosse will remind you to look away from the screen in your palm. 

Be (slightly) wild and free

In bed by 9:30? That’s an idea we can get behind. This adorable bit of wisdom from Girls’ Night In will encourage you to think more about enjoying the moment, while also making sure you get enough Zzz’s. 

Take action

Everyone has (at least) one thing on their bucket list. This post from Popflex is motivating us to choose “day one” over “one day.” 

Feel grateful

The holidays aren’t the only time to give thanks. This motivational (not to mention gorgeous) letter board from Bethany Grace promotes the idea of appreciating everything you have. 

Seize the day

Whether it’s January 1 or the middle of the summer, you can always start fresh. Thanks to this post by Erin Falacho, we’re confident all we need is a cup of tea and a gentle push to take more chances. 

A friendly reminder

Never forget your worth. This board from Jenessa Wait is the perfect addition to your office, Pinterest board, or anywhere else you need to remind yourself of your potential. 

Bundle up

When the weather outside is frightful…it’s time for a night in. This cozy board from ElskaBody tells us it’s okay to embrace our hygge habits and do a little self care. 

Don’t worry…

Be happy! Slippers, blush tones, hot cocoa, and marshmallows are just a few of many reasons My Secret Fashion Diary (and we) should make feeling good a priority. 

Find your people

Simple and minimalist, this board from Kaylyn Van Driesum is as beautiful as its message: to surround yourself with your good friends and family. 

Be patient (or at least try)

This hilarious board from DefywithDena is perfect for the ultimate avocado lover. Just like a well-though-out board, good things take time. 

It’s never too late

We love this message from the now-viral letter board made by Words & Co. January isn’t the only month to renew. Starting February 1 (or 2 or 28…) is just fine. 

Pin these fun, inspirational, and motivational letter board ideas when you go to your own Pinterest board this weekend, and tag us on Instagram to let us know when they’re up.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This Rowing Routine Is the Best Low-Impact Workout You Haven’t Tried Yet

Follow along with Row House coach Caley Crawford.

If you’re looking for a low-impact, calorie-torching workout, you’ve come to the right place: In this video, Caley Crawford, a coach at boutique fitness studio Row House, will guide you through a 30-minute sweat sesh that includes both on-the-rower and off-the-rower exercises to challenge your core, and your upper and lower body all at once.

First up: a quick refresher on proper form, to ensure you reap the maximum benefit from your efforts. Crawford breaks rowing down into two positions: Catch is when you’re at the front of the rowing machine and your knees are tucked into your chest. And finish is when you’re at the back of the machine, and your legs are stretched out.

RELATED: You’re Using the Rowing Machine All Wrong—Here’s a Quick Fix

In the catch position, your heels should be slightly raised; and there should be a 6 to 8-inch gap between your heels and the seat. Your hips are back, and your shoulders are angled forward at about one o’clock. But make sure not to arch your back. To prevent hunching, focus on engaging your abdomen, and keeping your spine neutral.

In the finish position, your shoulders should be behind your hips and your body should be angled at 11 o’clock. Try to keep your shoulders down, and your posture tall. In finish, your core should be at “peak engagement,” says Crawford, and your legs should be completely straight.

Once you’re comfortable with your form, you’re ready to crush Crawford’s workout. And keep in mind, the harder you push with your legs, the greater resistance you’ll feel from the rower. Or as Crawford puts it, “The machine is going to give you what you put into it.”

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