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Showing posts with label 2018 at 09:14AM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 at 09:14AM. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Happy, Healthy Holidays – Health

Funny how whats supposed to be a celebration turns into something that you have to “survive.” Well, not this year. Our guide takes the stress out of your holidays by giving you everything from gift ideas for your special friends and family to tips thatll help you stop bingeing at the buffet table and overspending at the mall. Whats more, well show you how to avoid that real holiday wrecker—trying to do way too much all by yourself. Stephanie Woo, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Pepperdine Universitys Graduate School of Education and Psychology, says, “When you realize catastrophe is not lurking around every unfinished to-do, you can focus on what you really enjoy.” Hear, hear!
 Is Your Home Safe for the Holidays?

 Stay Calm this Holiday Season


 Tips From Real Women


 Q and A About Postholiday Slump and Missing a Loved One


 Avoid Backache This Holiday Season


 5 Ways to Curb Your Cravings


 Stressed About Cash? Try This



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Thursday, June 7, 2018

What is intestinal metaplasia?

Intestinal metaplasia is a condition where the cells lining the stomach transform into cells that resemble those found in the intestines. It is considered to be a precancerous condition, but treatments are available. A person can prevent intestinal metaplasia by avoiding risk factors, such as smoking and poor diet.

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