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Showing posts with label May 08. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May 08. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Drop an Entire Dress Size With This Speedy Strength Workout

Works thighs, butt, back, arms, shoulders, and neck

A. (top) Start with a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand and right leg lifted so top of right foot rests on exercise ball behind you. Bend left knee to 45 degrees, rolling ball backward and hinging forward until back is parallel to floor and arms are hanging down.

B. (bottom) With elbows slightly bent, raise each arm a few inches and hold for 10 seconds. Raise arms 2 inches more, and hold for 10 seconds; repeat pattern 3 more times, ending with arms at shoulder height. Slowly lower arms in 4 (10-second) increments. Repeat with opposite leg.

Trainer tip: Trouble balancing? Draw abs in and up and square your hips, imagining your inner thighs are drawing toward one another.

RELATED: This 25-Minute Strength Workout Activates Every Muscle Group

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What to know about excessive burping

Excessive burping can occur as a result of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), consuming certain foods, or aerophagia or supragastric belching. The treatment options will depend on the cause. Learn more here.

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