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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

How to Save Your Own Life in a Medical Emergency –

Knowing what you’ll do in an emergency is key to surviving one. Your ER plan:

Call 911: If you can’t move, you’re bleeding heavily, or you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, you need an ambulance. EMS personnel can provide lifesaving care en route and determine the best hospital for your needs. 

Or (sometimes) get a ride: As long as you can walk to a car and do not have the symptoms listed above, someone—a friend, a taxi—can take you to the hospital. Don’t drive yourself; and when in doubt, call 911.

Go to the closest hospital: When transporting yourself to the ER, your priority should be to get there as quickly as possible. They’ll stabilize you and transfer you to another hospital if needed.

Make a list: “If you’re unable to respond to EMS providers’ questions, they’ll look in your wallet for info,” says Dr. McGann. “Keep a list there of meds you take along with emergency contacts.” As a backup use an app, like the Health app in iOS or ICE Standard for Android, that can store info on your lock screen.

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