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Showing posts with label 2018 at 02:02PM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 at 02:02PM. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2018

Woman, 21, Who Gouged Out Eyes While on Drugs Speaks Out Nearly a Year Later: ‘I Can’t Give Up’

Nearly a year ago, Kaylee Muthart horrified the world when she gouged out her own eyes during a meth-induced psychotic episode. Hallucinating wildly during the Feb. 6 incident, the 21-year-old from Anderson, South Carolina, ripped out her own eyeballs, squishing them in her hands while a shocked onlooker struggled to restrain her.

Muthart had been awake for almost 48 hours, snorting and injecting a concoction of tainted methamphetamine. “The drugs take your fears and beliefs and amplify them,” she tells PEOPLE. “I thought I had to take my eyes out to survive and save the world.”

RELATED: Mom of 20-Year-Old Daughter Who Gouged Out Her Own Eyes While on Drugs Speaks Out

And survive she has, but her journey has been arduous. It has been a year of tuning out the haters and taming the self-recrimination, learning to maneuver in a world of darkness, rerouting her goals and figuring out who she can trust in her new life.

“She has been given a second chance,” says Muthart’s mother, Katy Tompkins. “Mentally and physically Kaylee has come so far. We take one day at a time, but each of her days gets better. Her thoughts are very goal-oriented, and now she completely understands her path. Part of that path is to help people with her story.”

Following the episode, Muthart spent weeks in a psychiatric facility. She underwent a surgery to ready her eye sockets for future prostheses and completed a month-long inpatient drug-treatment program. She considers herself a recovering addict and says it wasn’t all that difficult for her to achieve sobriety because “the drugs took something from me, and when you get burned by the fire you learn not to go back.”

Back at home now with her family, Muthart is “relearning everything, really,” she says. “I try to do everything on my own. If I get hurt in the process it’s just learning.”

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Her daily routine is mostly “homebody-type things at the moment,” she says. She uses a feature called VoiceOver to navigate her phone (“faster than I can go through my own phone,” says Tompkins) and watches videos via a narration track called audio description. She chats with her mom and, using a red-tipped cane, attends church most Sundays.

She makes her own coffee and can still flip an egg in a pan. She has learned to play the piano and practices Coldplay songs “Clocks” and “The Scientist” on her sister’s keyboards. A highlight this year, she says, was being selected to play her guitar and sing to her rehab group.

“I’m adventurous and I can’t just give up,” Muthart says. “Go big or go home.”

She describes how she has sunk three basketball goals in the last few months — “they lined me up perfectly with the free-throw line” — and recently rode a bicycle, with a friend running ahead of the bike, calling Muthart’s name.

Muthart’s toddler daughter, to whom she gave birth at age 18, is a bright spot. The child lives with a family friend, but Muthart says they talk daily and visit when Muthart can get a ride to the child’s home. “She’s my sunshine,” Muthart says.

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Tompkins describes her own daughter as big-hearted, responsible and determined. “When she sets her mind to something, she does it. This is a girl who bought her own car with money she earned from working — before she even got her license.”

She says she tries to focus on her daughter’s prospective independence. In early 2019, Muthart will attend a school for the blind for eight to 16 weeks where she’ll learn “to do anything blind,” she says. A GoFundMe page has also been set up to support Muthart in her recovery.

Still, the reality is bitter. “For a mother, it’s like, ‘Why? Why her?’” says Tompkins. “So much potential, so beautiful. And her eyes — they were like the ocean — you could see her emotions in them.”

For her part, Muthart says that she has embraced her blindness. “If you don’t, you can never be happy. Accept it, analyze it and let yourself feel what you feel. I cry. Not a lot, but I bottle it up and then let it out.”

By this time next year she wants to have undergone an eye surgery to be fitted with prosthetics, moved in with a roommate, and learned to be a mother to her child as a blind woman. Long term, she envisions herself as a motivational speaker or a musician. She’d like to write a book, maybe. However, she has largely given up her childhood dream of becoming a marine biologist.

“The part I would’ve enjoyed most about that” — watching orcas and dolphins slice through the water — “is gone now,” she says.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Calming Yoga for Holiday Stress

From increased social commitments to the start of gift shopping, this time of year can really cause anxiety levels to skyrocket. But it doesn’t have to! By consciously scheduling in moments to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate, you can keep your chill and genuinely appreciate all the joy this season has to offer. One way to do just that? With our easy to-follow yoga routine. “This is the perfect flow to open your heart and find your center,” says Chelsea Jackson Roberts, PhD, a certified yoga instructor and founder of the Yoga, Literature, and Art Camp for Teen Girls at Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, who created the following series exclusively for Health. Now go ahead and get your namaste on.

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Mountain Pose

Stand tall with shoulders down and back, and palms together at heart’s center. Ground down into all four corners of feet and, with eyes closed, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

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Upward Salute

Inhale and bring arms up while reaching through fingertips (A). Exhale and extend arms around back of body while outwardly rotating shoulders to stretch and open your heart. Interlock fingers behind lower back; inhale while lifting heart’s center and pressing knuckles toward the ground (B).

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Forward Fold with Clasped Hands

Keeping hands behind you and fingers interlaced, exhale as you bow forward. Bending knees slightly, allow belly to be supported by quads while actively pressing all four corners of feet into the ground.

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Chair Pose

On your next inhale, release your hands, sweeping them up as you lower hips back and down. Allow arms to lift; power up the quads and press through all four corners of feet. Draw shoulder blades into your upper back as you reach elbows toward ears. Draw tailbone down to the floor, keeping your lower back nice and long.

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Forward Fold

Exhale, bowing forward with hands down. Release quads, allowing a gentle stretch in your hamstrings.

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Root to Rise

On your next inhale, ground down into feet. Make your way back into Upward Salute with arms extended up as you reach through fingertips. Standing tall, draw hands back to heart’s center, and bring your shoulders down and back.

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Try this post-flow:

Sitali Breath

This breathing pattern is known to ease anxiety. Close your eyes and begin to bring awareness to how you are breathing. Relax your jaw and curl your tongue like a taco (no worries if your tongue won’t cooperate—just leave it!). Inhale one long breath like your are inhaling through a straw. On the exhale, allow the breath to travel out through the nose with ease. Continue this pattern for at least 10 rounds.

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