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Showing posts with label 2018 at 05:19PM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 at 05:19PM. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

5 Yoga Stars Share the Pose That Makes Them Feel Their Best

Try them to feel more balanced, refreshed, and relaxed.

Yoga has 84 basic poses. But with the help of five yoga influencers, we’ve narrowed the list down to the ones that offer the most physical and emotional wellness. Here, these yogis reveal the poses they turn to in order to boost their mood, test their flexibility, and just get a good stretch in. Tune in to the video, follow along, and hear what they have to say.

“It changes with the seasons, but one of my favorite yoga poses right now is Boat Pose. I love it so much because I live in this position when I’m sitting. I’m studying right now for physical therapy school, and this pose just opens me up, brings me joy, and it makes me feel good.”

Krissy Jones: Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

“My favorite pose is Supta Virasana. It gives your knees, your ankles, and hips a nice stretch, and it’s a backbend, so I like to do it at the beginning of my day.”

Lauren Taus: Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

“My favorite yoga posture is probably Supta Baddha Konasana, with one hand on the heart, the other one on the belly. It’s sort of a dynamic shavasana, and I have super open hips so it just feels really delicious. And then at the same time for me, resting one hand on my heart and the other on my belly, period—like even in life, when I’m in traffic on the 405 or something—it’s like a physical gesture of friendliness, of kindness. And when we can integrate that into our lives off of the mat, everybody fares a whole lot better.”

RELATED VIDEO: 3 Basic Yoga Poses You’ve Been Doing Wrong—and How to Fix Your Form

Ronnie Howard: Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose)

“I get to see how flexible I am, and yoga isn’t about flexibility, but it’s a cool measure of my development. I can see, ‘Okay, I’m able to go deeper,’ or ‘I can hold it longer,’ or ‘I’m more balanced today.’ And it just looks really cool.”

“I have a love-hate relationship with a pose called Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose. It is probably one of the hardest poses for me to do, but because of that, I know it’s the pose that I usually should do the most.”

Whether you’re a beginner or ready to take on the Gomukhasana, these are just a few of the many poses you can try. Depending on your goals and attitude toward yoga, these five inspire us to grab our mats and start flowing.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Causes and when to call a doctor

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Baby Hears for the First Time With a Cochlear Implant

Drop everything and grab some tissues.

Get ready for a good cry, because this may be the most heartwarming video you’ll see all week.

In the clip, 1-year-old Ayla Esler is sitting on the lap of her mom, Anna. Ayla was born deaf, but she has just been fitted with cochlear implants, which enable her to hear. Doctors at Cook Children’s Health Care System in Texas decided to document the moment last month when Ayla hears sound for the first time.

 They also captured the moment when her ecstatic mom cries with joy. The video was posted on the hospital’s YouTube channel, then quickly went viral, racking up an astounding 73,600-plus views.

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As the 26-second video goes on, you can see Anna start to sob while Ayla smiles and moves around and touches her right ear. At one point, Ayla’s father Will wipes a tear from his eye. The emotional moment came after a four-hour surgery to put the cochlear devices in each of Ayla’s ears.

“When I saw her happy and dancing and responding to sound for the first time in her life I just lost it because we’ve been waiting a long time for that,” Anna told Fox 4 News.

Will and Anna shared even more in a Q&A featured on Cook Children’s website, explaining how everything has been since their daughter had surgery and became a viral sensation.

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Doctors determined that Ayla was deaf soon after she was born. “Being deaf isn’t bad, it’s just different,” the couple said in the Q&A. “And so we had spent a lot of time preparing ourselves for what life would be like without Ayla hearing. We had to let go of some things, like her knowing the sound of our voices, the sound of music, the sound of laughter. We had to prepare ourselves to see her enjoy things in a different way.”

When the couple found out that cochlear implants were an option for their daughter, they were hopeful. “Sound became a reality for her again, and we are so grateful for that,” they said.

Since getting the cochlear implants, the Eslers said there are still some challenges ahead, but Ayla is happily adjusting to being able to hear.

“She dances to music, she’s starting to calm down when we sing to her if she gets upset,” the Eslers said. “We really couldn’t be more thankful for the new opportunities our little girl has thanks to everyone in her life.”

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