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Showing posts with label July 25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 25. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

5 Ways to Get More Flexible

Flexibility is an important part of your workout routine, since stretching your muscle fibers helps increase your fitness level, prevent injury, and stay agile and well. These daily must-dos will help you become more flexible, whether you’re just trying to touch your toes or if you’re aiming to finally be able to do the splits.

Flexibility is an important part of your workout routine, since stretching your muscle fibers helps increase your fitness level, prevent injury, and stay agile and well. These daily must-dos will help you become more flexible, whether you’re just trying to touch your toes or if you’re aiming to finally be able to do the splits.

Start in the morning. Wake up your body with a daily habit that will both energize you and help you become more flexible. These morning stretches you can do in bed are gentle and soothing enough to also do before bedtime. Since your muscles won’t be warmed up when stretching first thing in the morning, be sure you never push your body farther than is comfortable.

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Don’t skip the cooldown. Post-workout stretches are important, especially if you’re a runner or cyclist, since these types of exercises can create tight joints. Open up your body and help increase your flexibility by never skipping out on your cooldown. All it takes is a few minutes of these post-workout stretches after every workout to help your body stay flexible.

Roll out. It’s not a secret that proper rolling techniques help loosen knots in the layer of soft connective tissue in your body (called the fascia) while also loosening tight muscles. Foam rollers are affordable and easy to use, so invest in one and do these essential foam roller exercises regularly to help you become more flexible.

Complement your workout. If you’re serious about becoming more flexible, add yoga or Pilates to your fitness routine. Both will help you stretch and strengthen all your muscles so that you’ll see results as you stick with it.

Target problem areas. Overall stretching should be part of your flexibility routine, but taking time to focus on your tightest areas is very beneficial. If you spend a good deal of the day sitting, for example, you should focus on shoulder- and hip-opening stretches to combat it. When targeting muscle groups, try to hold stretches for few minutes before switching sides but stop if the stretch becomes uncomfortable or painful.
This article originally appeared on


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12 Yoga Poses For People Who Aren't Flexible

12 Yoga Poses For People Who Aren't Flexible

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5 Yoga Poses That Will Improve Your Posture

5 Yoga Poses That Will Improve Your Posture

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5 Yoga Stars Share the Pose That Makes Them Feel Their Best

Try them to feel more balanced, refreshed, and relaxed.

Yoga has 84 basic poses. But with the help of five yoga influencers, we’ve narrowed the list down to the ones that offer the most physical and emotional wellness. Here, these yogis reveal the poses they turn to in order to boost their mood, test their flexibility, and just get a good stretch in. Tune in to the video, follow along, and hear what they have to say.

“It changes with the seasons, but one of my favorite yoga poses right now is Boat Pose. I love it so much because I live in this position when I’m sitting. I’m studying right now for physical therapy school, and this pose just opens me up, brings me joy, and it makes me feel good.”

Krissy Jones: Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

“My favorite pose is Supta Virasana. It gives your knees, your ankles, and hips a nice stretch, and it’s a backbend, so I like to do it at the beginning of my day.”

Lauren Taus: Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

“My favorite yoga posture is probably Supta Baddha Konasana, with one hand on the heart, the other one on the belly. It’s sort of a dynamic shavasana, and I have super open hips so it just feels really delicious. And then at the same time for me, resting one hand on my heart and the other on my belly, period—like even in life, when I’m in traffic on the 405 or something—it’s like a physical gesture of friendliness, of kindness. And when we can integrate that into our lives off of the mat, everybody fares a whole lot better.”

RELATED VIDEO: 3 Basic Yoga Poses You’ve Been Doing Wrong—and How to Fix Your Form

Ronnie Howard: Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose)

“I get to see how flexible I am, and yoga isn’t about flexibility, but it’s a cool measure of my development. I can see, ‘Okay, I’m able to go deeper,’ or ‘I can hold it longer,’ or ‘I’m more balanced today.’ And it just looks really cool.”

“I have a love-hate relationship with a pose called Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose. It is probably one of the hardest poses for me to do, but because of that, I know it’s the pose that I usually should do the most.”

Whether you’re a beginner or ready to take on the Gomukhasana, these are just a few of the many poses you can try. Depending on your goals and attitude toward yoga, these five inspire us to grab our mats and start flowing.

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