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Showing posts with label 2018 at 07:10PM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 at 07:10PM. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Life Motto Hannah Bronfman Lives By

There’s no shortage of talk about mindfulness. In fact, a growing amount of research is exploring the connection between our brains and our bodies. Whether or not Hannah Bronfman knows it, the catchphrase that the HBFIT founder lives by is at the core of this way of thinking.

“My personal mantra would be, ‘Mind right, body tight,’” Bronfman tells Health. “And that is because I think a lot of people lose sight of why they work out, and for me it is more of a mind-body connection. So that kind of reminds me that it’s not just about the physical, it’s about the mental as well.”

Clearly Bronfman’s brain is in alignment with her frame because her workouts—from one-legged deadlifts while balancing on a slam ball to prowler pushes to yoga—have been yielding some pretty awesome results. But she wasn’t always as dialed in as she is now. It was a tragedy in her life that may have launched the change in her perspective.

RELATED: 5 Fitness Influencers Share the Words They Live By

“My grandmother actually became very sick when I was 19 and it was actually because she had battled with anorexia her whole life, and so she basically got to a point in her life where her body could no longer support her,” Bronfman told us at a launch event for her book Do What Feels Good, which hits bookshelves in January. “When she passed away, that was a huge eye-opening experience for me to not only lead my happiest and healthiest version of myself.”

She also hopes that other women “realize that these types of issues that I had seen as a little girl—if you don’t get that under control and change that conversation with yourself—these are thoughts and feelings that will stay with you your whole life, and, ultimately, could lead to your demise, like my grandmother.”

Intimate and personal stories like this—along with recipes, DIY beauty, and healthy-living advice—are all things that have helped Bronfman on her overall wellness journey, and she includes them in her book. She also wants to get one more point across. 

“This book is not a how-to, it’s not a diet book, it’s not a manual on how to be like me… This is all the information that has gotten me through. It has changed the way I thought about myself, changed the way I have conversations about myself, and taught me a lot about how I feel, and so this knowledge is to help everyone on their journey of self-discovery.”

Bravo Bronfman. Bravo.

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Gear Guide: Dancing With the Stars DVD

I love to dance, though I rarely get to do it. This is likely why, even though I have rhythm, it can take me a while to catch on to the steps. So when the newest Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) DVD, Cardio Dance for Weight Loss, came across my desk proclaiming “Perfect for beginners! No partner needed!” I couldn’t wait to get home, pull the rug back in the den, and bust a move.

The DVD offers samba, salsa, and swing routines, led by two long-time DWTS instructors: Kym Johnson (she partnered with singer Donny Osmond and football player Hines Ward to take first-place finishes in seasons 9 and 12, respectively) and Mark Ballas (who helped Olympians Kristi Yamaguchi and Shawn Johnson bring home the coveted mirror ball in seasons 6 and 8).

First, the good part: These routines will make you sweat, even if you don’t get the steps quite right. You’re constantly in motion, so your heart rate gets up and stays there. And it’s fun…some of the time.

Why just “some of the time” you might ask? For each style, Kym and/or Mark teach three multi-step combinations in just 15 minutes, and I found myself wishing again and again that they hadn’t tried to cram so much into just a short period. You’re given very little time to learn a step before moving on to the next one—not a good set-up for beginners, and something that caused me to mutter “slow down!” to the TV in frustration every couple of minutes. Seriously, cutting the number of steps in half would’ve been a game changer for me.

What’s more, there’s limited specific instruction, and both coaches assume you know terms like “kick ball change,” “locking,” and “pas de bourree.” I don’t. Granted, the warm-up cleverly doubles as an intro to a few of the basic steps for each dance style, but those basics only get you so far.

Don’t get me wrong: The routines are fun and lively, and I can totally see how a more experienced dancer would enjoy the heck out of this DVD. As for me, I’ll be on the lookout for a more beginner-friendly dance forum. Maybe a return to Zumba is in order….

Product: Dancing with the Stars: Cardio Dance for Weight Loss
Category: DVD
Pros: The lively routines will get you sweating in no time—they make for an excellent cardio workout.
Cons: The routines are too complicated and fast-moving for beginners to master easily.
Cost: $13.49 at
Extra tip: Wear shoes with smooth bottoms so you don’t wrench your knees.

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