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Showing posts with label December 11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December 11. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Polar Bear Plunge: Here’s What Happens to Your Body in Frigid Water

Of all the ways to ring in the new year, jumping into frigid water while nursing a hangover seems like one of the least appealing options. Still, that hasn’t stopped thousands of people around the world from stripping down to their bathing suits on January 1st, and diving into the nearest ocean or lake.

A typical polar bear plunge event involves running into the water until you’re partially or completely submerged. And while enthusiasts say the icy dip spikes their adrenaline, some experts are decidedly less than thrilled about the ritual.

Plunging into cold water can actually be deadly, particularly for people with heart conditions, who might have a heart attack or drown, says Mike Tipton, PhD, a professor of human and applied physiology and a researcher at the Extreme Environments Laboratory at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. “Immersion in cold water is one of the greatest stressors we can place on our body,” he explains.

Although there’s no official definition of “cold water,” Tipton says experts place the number around 59 degrees Fahrenheit. But that temperature seems downright balmy compared some U.S. coastal waters in January. Along the northeastern seaboard, temps in the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes range from the mid-30s to the low 40s. The water off the northwest Pacific coast only averages about 10 degrees warmer.

RELATED: This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Exercising

So what does cold water do to your body?

You’re most at risk for heart problems during the first minute or so that you’re in the water, says Tipton. The reason: Plunging into the water activates a number of cold receptors that reside underneath the skin, kickstarting a process called “cold shock.” This can give you an adrenaline rush, but it makes you hyperventilate: Your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises, and your breathing speeds up, says Tipton.

Next, you’ll involuntarily “gasp”—something that’s particularly dangerous if your head is submerged beneath the water. Tipton says that in water temperatures of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, people can only manage to hold their breath for an average of 5 seconds before they reflexively open their mouths, sucking in something like 65 ounces of water, or the equivalent of a 2 liter bottle of soda. (Some context: Tipton says a person who weighs 150 pounds can drown after swallowing 1.5 liters of sea water.)

Putting your head under water also increases your chances of having an arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, he says.

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Let’s say you decide to tread water for a little longer. In that case, even strong swimmers could have trouble making it to shore: Being in cold water—between 41 and 59 degrees—for anywhere from 1 to 15 minutes can trigger a type of nerve dysfunction, or paralysis, that limits your ability to swim, says Tipton.

After as little as 5 minutes, the deep muscles in the forearm can drop from about 98.6 degrees to 80.6 degrees. Within thirty minutes, the nerves and muscles nearest to the skin begin to cool, hampering your muscle strength, dexterity, and coordination, says Tipton. In that case, your arm muscles will likely freeze up first, followed by your leg muscles.

So yeah, on New Year’s Day, we’ll be chilling in the hot tub.

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20 Habits That Make Holiday Stress Worse

20 Habits That Make Holiday Stress Worse

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Brighten Your Winter Mood

Brighten Your Winter Mood

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7 of the Most Bizarre Health Stories From 2018

One woman saw what turned out to be a live worm wriggling inside her face. Another felt brain fluid leaking out of her nose, and a third unfortunate victim had a maggot burrowed in her leg for months. Nope, these aren’t plotlines from a horror movie; they’re real bodily issues that made headlines in 2018. We’ve rounded up seven of the most bizarre health stories of the last 12 months, so you can reflect on just how weird this year really was (and be thankful they didn’t happen to you).

RELATED: A Woman Died From Brain-Eating Amoebas After Using a Neti Pot—Here’s Why

A worm was living in a woman’s face

All of our worst nightmares came true when a woman in Russia found a live worm wriggling in her face. The 32-year-old first noticed a bump underneath her eye, which then moved above her eye a few days later. Ten days after that, the bump settled into her upper lip. After two weeks, the woman brought herself to a doctor, where a living parasite was surgically removed and identified as Dirofilaria repens, the long, thin white worm shown above. This parasite typically infects animals, but when a human ends up as host, a mosquito is to blame.

RELATED: A Florida Woman Discovers Deeply Embedded Maggot in Her Groin

Amoeba ate a woman’s brain after she used a neti pot

After suffering a seizure, a 69-year-old woman was admitted to a Seattle hospital. Doctors initially thought she had a brain tumor, but it turned out to be a much deadlier condition, one that was literally eating her alive. A rare amoeba (Balamuthia mandrillaris) was feasting on her brain. She contracted the infection about a year earlier after using non-sterile water in a neti pot (a small device that rinses the nasal cavities to clear congestion). The woman unfortunately passed away.

A man coughed up a blood clot in the shape of his lung

A California man made the saying “I coughed up a lung” almost true. The 36-year-old was admitted to the ICU with chronic heart failure, and throughout his stay in the hospital, he regularly coughed up blood and mucus. But one coughing spell was worse than the others. He coughed up a tree-like blood clot in a perfect mold of his right bronchial tree. The man died the following week from heart failure complications.

RELATED: This 38-Year-Old Woman Had an 132-Pound Ovarian Tumor Removed

Brain fluid leaked out of a woman’s nose

An Omaha woman was told for years that allergies were the cause of her chronically runny nose and severe headaches. Finally she discovered the real culprit: fluid leaking from the area around her brain. Doctors diagnosed her with a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, which apparently started after a car accident in 2013. Since then, she’d been losing approximately 8 ounces of fluid a day. Her doctors were able to plug her leak using her own fatty tissue.

A maggot hid in a woman’s groin for months

Imagine if what you thought was an ingrown hair was actually a larva that burrowed its way under your skin? That’s what happened to a 36-year-old woman in Florida who had a lesion on her leg for months before doctors figured out the cause. The maggot embedded itself in her skin while she was on her honeymoon in Belize, and it stayed there for quite some time. Talk about an unwanted guest. The lesion healed shortly after the larva was removed.

RELATED: A Moving Bump on This Woman’s Face Turned Out to Be a Live Worm

Electric shocks in a woman’s leg were caused by a tapeworm

A 35-year-old French woman went to the emergency room after feeling “electric shocks” in her legs. She had been experiencing worsening symptoms for months, suffering repeated falls. Doctors ultimately discovered that a parasite had made its way to her ninth vertebra. Doctors determined it was the Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm, which is most commonly found in animals. The woman made a full recovery after it was removed.

Doctors removed a 132-pound tumor from a woman’s abdomen

Earlier this year, doctors in Connecticut removed a 132-pound benign mucinous ovarian tumor from a 38-year-old woman. She first noticed something was off when she began to rapidly gain weight in her abdomen; she was gaining about 10 pounds each week. A gynecologist then identified the tumor with a CT scan. It became so large, the woman had to use a wheelchair and could barely digest food. Thankfully, doctors were able to remove the tumor after five hours of surgery.

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Why Our Brains Love Twitter, the 7 Worst Habits of Runners, and Disney's New Autistic Role Model

  • The latest animated Disney film to hit the big screen is Ponyo, the story of a goldfish who transforms herself into a human for the love of a little boy. From that description, we don’t expect the movie was intended to send a message about autism, but one writer and father of an autistic daughter says it does just that. [NPR]








  • We’re big on running, whether it’s just for fun, or in a get-fit competitive race. But runners are far from the paradigm of health. Many—ourselves included!—fall prey to these seven bad habits. Check out the list for tips on how to run healthier. [That’s Fit]



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Gear Guide: The Core Fusion Craze Goes Cardio

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The term craze gets applied to so many trends, but Exhale Spa’s Core Fusion phenomenon, with its ever-growing stable of classes, DVDs, and celeb devotees, actually deserves the title. Their just-out Cardio—Pure Intensity title is their first overt DVD foray into the world of heart-pounding, well, cardio. I had to check it out.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the Core Fusion method is built around a combo of core conditioning, Pilates, ballet-inspired moves, and yoga. This “new” DVD is actually a revisiting of many Core Fusion staples. The five 10ish-minute workout segments (plus a stretch section)—led, as always, by likeable cofounders Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp—pull from traditional Core Fusion classes and moves, just done at a faster pace. Translation: Don’t expect pure cardio, because there’s a lot of strength work in there, too. It gets your heart pumping, yes, but not in the way it would if you were running or power walking or dancing.

The segments are meant to go in order (they build on each other) so if you have time for, say, two of them, pick 2 and 3, or 3 and 4, or 4 and 5. Notice I didn’t include the first segment, Energy Moves; that one is all about warming up and stretching, so if you’ve got only 20 minutes to blast some calories, it ain’t gonna cut it. (Just be sure to do a quick warm-up on your own.)

A few words to the wise: First, if you choose to use dumbbells (instead of following the amiable lady in the second row doing the weight-free modifications), make sure they’re 2 or 3 pounds, max (unless you’re already seriously buff). The lightest I had on hand were 5-pounders, and they Kicked. My. Butt. (Well, at least until I abandoned them a couple moves in.)

Second, you’d better like mountain climbers, because no matter which workout you choose, you’re gonna do a ton of them. That’s not necessarily a bad thing—they’re an excellent full-body move, targeting your core big time and ratcheting up that heart rate—but it does get a bit repetitive.

Third, know this: The Cardio Curl segment is all about on-the-mat abs, and you keep your shoulders lifted for pretty much the entire 10 minutes—even the rests are done propped up on your elbows. If that doesn’t set your belly muscles afire, you’re obviously fast-forwarding.

Caveats aside, this is a solid option for those days when you have only 20 minutes to work out and you’re torn between doing cardio and strength. Why choose when you can do both?

Product: Core Fusion: Cardio—Pure Intensity
Category: DVD
Pros: You get five challenging cardio/strength full-body workouts that can be tailored to fit the time you have.
Cons: You’ll need really light dumbbells to take full advantage of the strength aspect, plus the moves aren’t very fresh and get somewhat repetitive.
Cost: $13.49 at
Extra tip: Not for newbies. Try this great cardio workout DVD for beginners.

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10 Fun Ways to Get Fit Without a Gym

By Tina Haupert

Bored with the same old, same old at your health club? Joining a gym can be a fantastic way to get fit, but it’s not the only way.

You can enjoy a variety of workouts at home or outside that will give you the same great results and put a smile on your face at the same time! View the slideshow for 10 fun ways to get fit without a gym.

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New Workouts, Big Results! – Health

Several weeks ago, I was invited to attend a complimentary Core Fusion Barre class at Exhale in Boston. I heard awesome things about Core Fusion, so I was excited to finally give it a try. The workout combines core exercises with Pilates, yoga, and ballet to stretch and tone muscles.

After a brief warm-up, the class started with some planks, push-ups, reverse push-ups, and then we moved onto upper body work using small hand weights. Using the weights, we did small, controlled movements for the triceps, shoulders, back, and biceps, and wow, did it burn! The next part of class focused on the quads and glutes, so there were lots of pliés, pulsing squats, and leg lifts—I pretty much died during this part of class. My quads and glutes were absolutely burning with pain, and I had to stop often to rest. I actually felt like a big baby taking so many breaks, but my legs just could not handle it. I didn’t think a barre class would be so difficult, but it kicked my butt!

I generally think of myself as a fit person, but Core Fusion was definitely a challenge, which is why I liked it so much. I love classes that really push me out of my comfort zone. They make me want to work so much harder. Even though I really enjoyed Core Fusion, I could foresee this type of workout getting sort of repetitive with the same type of movements and format to every class. It’s a workout that I’d like to do a few times a month, but not as a replacement to my typical workout several days a week. This brings me to my favorite Feel Great Workout: CrossFit.

About six months ago, I took my first CrossFit class, and I loved it immediately. And I’m not alone! It’s never the same thing twice and many of the exercises (Burpees, Mountain Climbers, and rope climbs) remind me of those I did as a kid, so the workouts are fun and exciting. Plus the “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements” constantly challenge and push me, so I’ve seen some serious results, which makes me stick to it. (I typically attend 3-5 CrossFit workouts each week.) Here are just some of the changes I’ve seen:

I’m faster and stronger. I recently ran a 10K in 50:12 (8:04 pace), which is a whole 4 minutes faster than my previous 10K time. Also, I could never do rope climbs in gym class as a kid, but after 6 months of CrossFit, I can do multiple rope climbs in a single workout. I can also do unassisted chin-ups (something I thought possible) and deadlift 200 pounds!

My back is stronger. I have pretty bad scoliosis, so, over the years, I’ve suffered my fair share of back pain and hip injuries (related to the misalignment). CrossFit has really strengthened my lower back and core, so now I rarely experience pain anymore.

I’m more confident in my abilities. I still remember thinking I couldn’t do a Box Jump on my first day of CrossFit. Now, I can do all sorts of neat things, like Power Cleans and Double-Unders (where you pass the jump rope twice under your feet in one jump), which has really boosted my confidence in my physical abilities—the best kind of motivation!

My sugar cravings have vanished. I’m not sure how to explain this one, but I just don’t get intense, uncontrollable sugar cravings nowadays. I still eat sweets because I love them, but I don’t need them, and there are many times I’ve skipped dessert altogether. I assume the change is due to paying closer attention to what I’m eating since I began CrossFit. I’m eating more “real”  food that satisfies me, so I don’t crave sugary things as much.

And oh ya, my jeans are loose. I’ve pretty much maintained my weight since starting CrossFit, but I’ve toned up quite a lot. My jeans fit great and I can’t wait to show off my buff arms in tank tops this summer!

More: Read Tina’s daily food and fitness blog, Carrots ‘N’ Cake.

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3 Fitness Apps You Need Now

If you have a smartphone, you have a personal trainer. Some of the most powerful workout motivators are right in your pocket, and they’re all free. Here are 3 of my favorite fitness apps that really give your workouts a boost–and best of all, they all have free versions!


Fitocracy turns your workouts into a game. It personalizes your preferences from the beginning, asking you the basic things like age, height, weight (which is NOT shown on your profile,) fitness levels, and if you belong to a gym. Fitocracy challenges you with missions to fulfill, making your workouts into a game by gaining points as you burn calories with your workouts. You can then brag on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. It’s witty wording of challenges and routines is also a nice touch. If you’re the competitive type and love turning your goals into a game, you’ll really get into Fitocracy.



Free, available on iPhoneAndroid




When you want to make the world your gym, Endomondo’s got you covered. By using the GPS tracking in your smartphone Endomondo automatically maps the route you take while running, cycling, walking, skiing, skating, or anything else you do outdoors to stay fit. It also tracks your time and distance so you can challenge yourself in your next workout. The pro version, $4.99, even includes interval tracking for High Intensity Interval Training, a favorite of mine that packs an intense workout into a short amount of time. There’s even a low-power mode for when your battery is low, which may seem like a small feature but trust me, on the iPhone you need it!




Free, Premium $4.99. iPhoneAndroidBlackberry





GAIN Fitness Cross Trainer
Gain is great for beginners who aren’t sure about what to do when it’s time to work out. This app has real people demonstrating strength moves, yoga positions and cardio. Say you’re working out at home, you have a sturdy table and a dumbbell to use, you want to burn fat and you have 30 minutes. GAIN will build a custom workout using your specifications, show you moving pictures on how to do the exercise and tips to keep in mind while building proper form. Great for beginners and those looking for some new inspiration, GAIN Fitness Cross Trainer really is like a personal training session in your pocket.



Free, Workout packs vary in price. iPhone 


Jennifer Cohen is a leading fitness authority, TV personality, best-selling author, and entrepreneur.  With her signature, straight-talking approach to wellness, Jennifer was the featured trainer on The CW’s Shedding for the Wedding, mentoring the contestants’ to lose hundreds of pounds before their big day, and she appears regularly on NBC’sToday ShowExtraThe Doctors and Good Morning America. Connect with Jennifer on TwitterG+ and on Pinterest.



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Video: 30 Seconds to a Better Butt

You’re 30 seconds away from a better behind, and here’s how. The Russian Squat Kick works your entire lower body, especially your butt, and you can do it anywhere, anytime, no excuses. You can see how I’m doing it in my backyard in the short video below.

Start with your feet facing forward, about shoulder width apart. Lower yourself into a squat, making sure your weight is on your heels and not your toes. The lower you are, the more intense this exercise becomes.

In this squatted position, do small little kicks forward. Keep your hands infront of you, or behind your head. Make sure to keep your chest back, and your abs engaged.

Perform the Russian Squat Kick for 30 seconds, and repeat for 3 full times.

Jennifer Cohen is a leading fitness authority, TV personality, best-selling author, and entrepreneur.  With her signature, straight-talking approach to wellness, Jennifer was the featured trainer on The CW’s Shedding for the Wedding, mentoring the contestants’ to lose hundreds of pounds before their big day, and she appears regularly on NBC’sToday ShowExtraThe Doctors and Good Morning America. Connect with Jennifer on TwitterG+ and on Pinterest.

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Killer Kettlebell Workout to Burn 200 Calories in 10 Minutes

The kettlebell is one of the most versatile weights out there. It’s shaped perfectly for tons of different home exercises, and adds to your functional strength because its weight shifts during your workout. Best of all, you don’t have to put it down to change positions, keeping you focused and ready to lift. Try these 5 exercises to work your core, chest, abs, and really burn off the calories. Perform each for 2 minutes to burn 200+ calories in 10 minutes.

1. Swing. Hold the kettlebell with both hands, palms facing you. You’ll want to stand with feet slightly further than hip-width apart, with knees bent slightly. Start by bending at the waist, kettlebell between your knees. Then, thrust upward so the kettlebell reaches chest height, arms extended in front of you.

2. One Arm Swing. Once you get the hang of the basic swing, try one arm swings. It’s the same movement, just hold the kettlebell with one arm. This move requires more stability and core strength, so wait until you master the double handed swing.

3. Turkish Get Up. Lay down with the kettlebell in one hand above you, arm extended. Stand up with only your legs, keeping your arm raised the entire time. Your core, glutes, shoulders and legs all go hard in this move.

4. One Arm Squat. Hold the kettlebell in one hand by your shoulder, your elbow is bent at your side. Squat as far down as you can, while reaching your free hand out in front of you for balance. Rise up, keeping the weight stationary the entire time. This move is designed to supercharge all parts of your core and torso.

5. Wind Mill. Stand with your feet just slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hold the kettlebell with one hand, and raise that arm straight up in the air. Keep your free arm by your side. The foot on this side should be pointed out slightly. Then, slide your free hand down your left leg, keeping your kettlebell hand stationary. If you want to hit those obliques, the wind mill is the way to go.

Jennifer Cohen is a leading fitness authority, TV personality, best-selling author, and entrepreneur. With her signature, straight-talking approach to wellness, Jennifer was the featured trainer on The CW’s Shedding for the Wedding, mentoring the contestants’ to lose hundreds of pounds before their big day, and she appears regularly on NBC’s Today Show, Extra, The Doctors and Good Morning America. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter, G+ and on Pinterest.

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Fat-Blasting Strength and Cardio Plan

treadmill-carbChris FanningGood news: You dont have to pump iron or run marathons to succeed on The CarbLovers Diet. But exercise will help you lose weight more quickly (and keep it off), and youll feel great doing it too.

Buy the CarbLovers Diet now!

Thats because a diet rich in Resistant Starch and other carbs fuels your muscles, speeds your metabolism, and makes your energy soar, so even former couch potatoes may want to hit the gym!

This easy, full-body routine takes less than 30 minutes a day, and you can do it at home or at the gym. It combines strength training and cardio, plus a quick belly-blasting routine—youll burn nearly 900 extra calories a week, plus trim about 3 inches a month from your belly, hips, and thighs!

Do these moves with dumbbells, a sturdy bench or step, a mat, and a stability ball. Here’s a sample schedule, but its fine to skip a day or two.

Blast fat and calories! Your cardio plans
To burn off all the fat covering those gorgeous muscles you’re sculpting, do 4–5 of these 35-minute interval workouts per week. Why intervals? Because they’re the fastest way to burn maximum calories in minimum time.

The intensity levels below are based on a scale of 1–10, where 1 is kicking back on the couch and 10 is pushing as hard as you can. After each workout, cool down at a slow pace for 5 minutes.

Outdoor walking workout
1.Walk at a moderate pace (an intensity of 3–4) for 5 minutes to warm up.
2.Pick up your pace for 3 minutes so you’re working at a 6–7.
3.Crank your pace up to an 8 for 2 minutes. Take shorter, faster steps, drive your bent elbows back, and let your hips move from side to side.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 five more times.

Treadmill workout
1.Walk at a moderate pace with no incline (an intensity of 3–4) for 5 minutes to warm up.
2.Pick up your speed to a 6–7 for 3 minutes.
3.Rev up your pace to an 8, and increase the incline by 2%–3% for 2 minutes.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 five more times.

Elliptical workout
1.Use light resistance with a medium ramp (for an intensity of 3–4) for 5 minutes to warm up.
2.Keeping light resistance, raise ramp to high for 3 minutes, aiming for an intensity of 6–7.
3.Lower ramp and increase resistance; work at a challenging pace (about an 8) for 2 minutes.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 five more times.

Bike workout (outdoor or indoor)
1.Pedal at medium speed/resistance (an intensity of 3–4) for 5 minutes to warm up.
2.Increase your speed and/or resistance to moderate intensity (a 6–7) for 3 minutes.
3.Up your intensity to an 8 for 2 minutes.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 five more times.

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5 Exercises that Burn the Most Calories

The most popular machines at any gym are the elliptical, stationary bikes, and treadmills. Why? I think it’s because they show you the amount of calories you’re burning. FYI–you don’t need a machine to burn that many calories!

These 5 exercises will get you the most bang for your buck in burning calories and hitting several muscles at once. Best of all, you can do them at home without a machine. All the calorie estimations are for a person who weighs 155 pounds.

1. Plank drag (with towel). Get into a plank position, with your hands right underneath shoulders, with your abs engaged and a flat back. Also, you’ll want to place a small towel under each foot. On a hardwood or linoleum floor, drag your body from one side of the room to the other, pulling your body weight by using your arms to move around. One trip across the room, both there and back, counts as one round. Repeat this three times. Check out the image for details.
Calories burned: 12 per round

2. Burpees. Burpees are the go-to full body workout. Get into your plank position, then “jump” your knees towards your chest. Next, jump up, raising your arms in the air above your head and pointing your toes. When you land, go back into your knees-at-chest position and kick your legs back out. This one is INTENSE – do as many as you can a day.
Calories: 10 per minute

3. Jump lunges. Start with your feet together, elbows bent at 90 degrees, and then lunge forward as shown. Next, jump straight up as your raise your hands to the ceiling (but still keep your elbows bent!) then land in a lunge with your opposite foot forward this time.
Calories: 12 per minute

4. Renegade row. You’ll need two hand weights for this one. Get into your plank position, with your weights in your hands that are supporting you. Lift one arm against your body, so your forearm aligns with your back and your elbow is at 90 degrees. Hold for 2 counts, then lower back down to start. Repeat on the opposite arm. Check out the image for details.
Calories: 15 per minute

5. Squat to press. Grab two light hand-weights and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, elbows bent 90 degrees and your palms facing forward. Get into a squat position and hold for two seconds. Next, push through your heels to stand up straight while raising your weights towards the ceiling. For a great image of this one and more strength moves for weight loss, check out the 5 Best Strength Moves for Weight Loss.
Calories: 14 per minute

Jennifer Cohen is a leading fitness authority, TV personality, best-selling author, and entrepreneur.  With her signature, straight-talking approach to wellness, Jennifer was the featured trainer on The CW’s Shedding for the Wedding, mentoring the contestants’ to lose hundreds of pounds before their big day, and she appears regularly on NBC’sToday ShowExtraThe Doctors and Good Morning America. Connect with Jennifer on Facebook, TwitterG+ and on Pinterest.

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Time For Yoga: Mass Yoga “Wave” Around the World Today

As National Yoga Month comes to a close, people around the world are encouraged to practice yoga today at 7 p.m. local time as part of Time for Yoga, a mass yoga “wave” around the globe.

The Yoga Health Foundation organized the event as a way to encourage people to take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour a day to stop the hustle and bustle of life and practice yoga. (There is something empowering about the thought of people around the world doing yoga in a mass wave.)

Yoga is a great exercise for overall physical and mental health. It can help build your strength, lengthen your muscles, boost metabolism, and also help soothe stress.

If you’re not exactly the most flexible, or are having difficulty deciding between the different types of yoga, here are a few beginner tips to get started and get involved in Time for Yoga.

  • Do yoga outside to get fresh air and connect with nature.
  • Grab a few friends and create your own workout. Agree on a location, how long you’ll practice, and choose the poses you feel comfortable with. Even add your own music to the workout!

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21 Signs You’ve Found Your Fitness Swole Mate

There’s strength in numbers—literally. While a solo sweat session can be therapeutic and confidence-boosting, we can all get by with a little help from our friends. Whether you thrive in spin class, at CrossFit, on group runs or at the yoga studio, it’s easier to feel motivated when you can look to your side and see a fitness buddy who can’t stop, won’t stop. (It’s no secret that working out with a partner or group of like-minded people has numerous benefits!) And if exercising at home is more your speed, commiserating over burpees with your online BFFs can motivate you to push your limits.

But what separates the good workout partners from the ride-or-die fitness besties that have your back, 100 percent of the time? Here are 21 signs you’ve found your fitness soul mate—er, swolemate.

RELATED: 20 Partner Exercises from the Fittest Couples on Instagram



21 Signs You’ve Found a True Fitness Buddy

1. The time flies when you’re sweating together.
Want to know how to make that HIIT workout easier? You’ll get a dose of healthy distraction when you’ve got a buddy. Robyn Broker, blogger at Run Birdie Run, forgoes her running playlists when she’s got a friend to entertain her. “A long run with a running BFF is a multi-hour conversation… Sometimes there’s constant chatter and sometimes there’s silence, but running completely transforms when it’s in a shared space.”

2. You don’t give in to each other’s excuses.
It’s easy to tell yourself you can’t do another rep. It’s harder to tell that to a friend. “When I work out with my boyfriend, we push each other way out of our respective comfort zones,” says Lauren Wolman, blogger at Peanut Butter Is My Boyfriend. “Whether he’s encouraging me to lift those 10 extra pounds or I’m convincing him that doing seven minutes of planks is a great idea, it’s not about competition or proving anything to each other. We’re working together to push ourselves further.”

RELATED: The 25 Craziest Workout Excuses Trainers Have Ever Heard

3. You’ll exercise together, even if you’re at different fitness levels.
Think having different fitness levels is a swolemate deal breaker? Think again. NYC-based runner and physical therapist Abby Bales is 30 minutes slower than her 3:04 marathon running buddy, but that doesn’t stop them. “My friend has worked out with me through everything—when I had a colostomy bag, after surgeries, when I was pregnant and barely moving, post-partum, and with my son in a stroller,” says Bales. “She never makes me feel like I’m not worthy of her fitness company.”

4. You’ll sacrifice sleep to meet up.
It’s tempting to hit the snooze button when you’ve got a solo workout on tap. But if you know your friend is waiting for you, you’re far less likely to bail. “My friend Nina is my accountabilibuddy,” says blogger Tracy Davis, who uses the term coined by her November Project workout group. Nina and Tracy made a pact to touch base at 5:45 a.m. to make sure they’re both out of bed and ready to go for a run or to the gym.

5. You’ll help each other recover properly.
Davis’s accountabilibuddy gives her the push she needs to keep her lower body foam rolled and feeling good, too. “She stays on top of me to make sure I’m doing my IT-band recovery work,” says Davis of her fitness bestie. We all strive to #NeverMissaMonday, but hey, sustainable workouts are the end goal, right?

RELATED: 7 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout

6. You high five or fist bump on the reg.
You don’t have to pat your own back when you’re done sweating—your friend can do it for you. Even if it’s a shaky-armed high-five between push-up sets or a quick fist bump after Tabata, sometimes that classic, old-school form of encouragement is totally more validating than a push notification from your fitness tracker.

7. Their accomplishments are just as exciting as your own.
Whether it’s a race, a CrossFit competition, or holding a five-minute plank, training for your own goals is exciting, satisfying and empowering. Watching your fitness friend hit his or her goals, though? Equally if not more awesome. Runner Meggie Smith, blogger at The Thinks I Can Think, was psyched to watch her friend Jocelyn get a marathon PR, and the support is always mutual. “When I saw Jocelyn after I ran a Boston-Qualifying race, the first thing she said to me was, ‘Of course you did! I knew you would!’”

8. Things seem less scary when you’re together.
While Meghan Conroy’s workout bestie liked the front-row-center spot during spin class, 32-year-old Conroy, a senior research analyst in Los Angeles, preferred a less conspicuous seat. But Conroy eventually made her way to the front row. “I became more brave and finally tried the front row because there were two of us, and there was safety in numbers,” Conroy says. “That made it less scary.”

9. You look forward to your sweat dates, even after a long day.
“By the end of the workday, I’m typically dragging and have zero motivation,” says Conroy. But she can’t turn down the opportunity to meet up with her fitness buddy. “If I made plans to meet my friend at the gym for a boxing class, I’m going to show up. It gives me something to look forward to all day at the office.”

10. You share stuff that would be TMI to anybody else.
Bruised toes, chafing disasters, bathroom breaks gone wrong… you share it all and then some with your partner in crime. True sign of a swole mate? You’re not above swapping blister photos to get advice on popping technique.

Read the rest on Life by Daily Burn

More from Daily Burn:

Need Running Motivation? 20 Epic Runspo Instagrams
The 20 Worst People at the Gym, According to Trainers
What Happens to Your Body When You Skip the Gym
This article originally appeared on Life by Daily Burn.


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5 Stretches to Do With a Partner

True story: They’re better with a partner…

Stretching is an everyday, all day movement: You do it when you get out of bed in the morning, when you take a break from sitting at your desk, and as you cool down in your barre class. Stretching wakes up your muscles and relieves body aches and tension throughout your body. It also helps prevent joint pain, muscle strain, and muscle damage. You can do it literally anywhere (airports, the subway, standing in line for a coffee—yep!) because it requires zero equipment. 

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Stretching with a partner is a great way to go deeper than doing it solo. Besides improving your flexibility and range of motion, stretching with a buddy can help motivate you through a circuit and make even the most boring post-workout stretches more fun. Our advice? Stretch as far as is comfortable for you and have your partner hold the stretch as you resist for several seconds. Relax and repeat.

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In the video above, Jeff Brannigan from Stretch*d showed our editor Arielle five stretches—from “chest openers” to “hello hammies”—that are a perfect cooldown for you and your gym bestie after any sweat sesh.

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Bride Allegedly Demands Her Wedding Guests Dress Based on Their Weight in Viral Post

A bride-to-be is being shamed on social media for allegedly asking her guests to dress in colorful outfits based on their weight — and has vowed to find out just who shared her request on Reddit for thousands to see.

In the alleged Facebook post, the unidentified woman addressed her wedding guests and revealed the dress code for her nuptials, apparently set to take place in Hawaii next year.

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“The dress code is very specific because it will be used to create an incredible visual effect. If done right, it will make our synchronized dancing along the … beach really pop,” the alleged bride wrote. She later added: “Remember, the venue is extremely upscale, and we want to be looking our absolute BEST ladies and gents:ring::ring:please, if you look like trash, so will we.”

The post featured a unique dress code arranged for men and women by weight. Women between 100 and 160 lbs. were instructed to wear a green velvet sweater, orange suede pants, a Burberry scarf and Christian Louboutin heels, according to the screenshotted post. However, women over 160 lbs. were given a less colorful ensemble, as they were instructed to wear a black sweater and black pants.

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As for the men, the bride instructed men between 100 and 200 lbs. to wear a purple “fuzzy” jacket, a soda hat, black pants and glow sticks — it is unclear how exactly the glow sticks would be displayed. Men who weighed more than 200 lbs. were tasked with wearing camouflage outfits and black sneakers.

PEOPLE was not able to find the origin of or authenticate the alleged Facebook post.

The post did not sit well with Reddit users who wrote comments like “that sounds hideous… and she sounds hideous lol.”

Another wrote: “I really don’t get people that are as [self-centered as] this. How is it possible for you not to even consider other people?”

The post was shared more than 9,000 times, prompting the bride-to-be to allegedly address the social media attention in a follow-up Facebook post — which was also shared on Reddit but appears to have been taken down. She wrote that, after seeing the post go “semi-viral” she is determined to find out who took a screenshot of her initial comments.

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“I could not be more crushed, betrayed, or saddened … knowing someone went behind my back and made fun of me is one of the worst feelings everywhere,” she wrote in the post, further claiming that she would be hosting a “Polygraph Party” to find the social media culprit.

“Bring your inner Sherlock Holmes because we will be hunting out the snitch who put me on blast. You think I’m kidding? I’m not,” the post read.

The second post said that guests would be offered “drinks and appetizers,” and warned that friends who did not attend would be “presumed guilty unless you can provide a valid excuse.” She offered a $100 reward to anyone with information about who “violated” her trust.

She allegedly claimed that she would not retaliate against the culprit, but would “simply cut all ties and communication” with them.

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This article originally appeared on

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